En Kör Möter
Process and performance, presented at
Accelerator, Stockholm
October 26 2022
Curators Joel Albinsson & Hanna Bargheer
Choreographer Linnea Sidén Rosberg
En Kör
Charlie Börjeson, Christine Hellsing,
Daniel Häll, Elina Hardell,
Ellinor Bakhuizen, Eric Berrez,
Harald Carlinger, Jacob Edström,
Jakob Lundvall, Paul-Philip Mosulet,
Sara Nyberg, Tilda Lundgren
En Kör Möter is an examination of the art form of choral music, and a move towards the dissolution of its structures, expectations, and dynamics. Traditionally, choral music has been associated with religious spaces, written and performed with specific acoustic conditions and arrangement of singers in mind. What happens if we invite a choir into a room that does not follow the same logic, both architecturally and aesthetically: the art exhibition?
Together with the vocal ensemble En Kör, we invite you to a choral experience where sounding bodies investigate their relationship to one another and to the space around them. The evening is a single moment of an ongoing process in which twelve singers test the boundaries of their craft through the interaction with a new form of experiential space. En Kör Möter is an experiment in new practices, new ways of sharing, making and listening; presenting a possible future of choral music.
Accelerator has a collaboration with the International Master’s Programme in Curating Art at Stockholm University. The students create events in connection to themes that Accelerator wishes to highlight in the exhibition programme. The curators for this event are Joel Albinsson and Hanna Bargheer. En Kör Möter is presented in connection to Tori Wrånes’ exhibition Big Water.
Together with the vocal ensemble En Kör, we invite you to a choral experience where sounding bodies investigate their relationship to one another and to the space around them. The evening is a single moment of an ongoing process in which twelve singers test the boundaries of their craft through the interaction with a new form of experiential space. En Kör Möter is an experiment in new practices, new ways of sharing, making and listening; presenting a possible future of choral music.
Accelerator has a collaboration with the International Master’s Programme in Curating Art at Stockholm University. The students create events in connection to themes that Accelerator wishes to highlight in the exhibition programme. The curators for this event are Joel Albinsson and Hanna Bargheer. En Kör Möter is presented in connection to Tori Wrånes’ exhibition Big Water.